Incredible Edible Cinema – At Farnham Pottery
The Incredible Edible Cinema Club
Tuesday, 29th September, at 7.00 pm
Trashed – by kind permission of
First in a series of fortnightly screenings this autumn, Trashed, starring Jeremy Irons, is being shown as part of an experimental slow food and eco-film night at The Farnham Pottery, Wrecclesham. Your new eco-film club is situated in the delightful setting of the old pottery buildings, off Quennels Hill, behind the Royal Oak pub.
To become a member of the Incredible Edible Cinema Club you just bring along your homemade contribution to the shared potluck meal which will be enjoyed before the film screening. The shared supper is held in the Old Pugmill Bakehouse where there is plenty of table space and a huge wood fired oven. This is a very cosy space. We’ll start the potluck at 7.00pm and the film at 7.45pm. Finish film at 9.08 and close the evening at 10.00pm.
We’ll give ourselves time to slowly enjoy our food and meet each other. If you’re not sure about your cooking skills, find an experienced buddy and collaborate! For UCA students this is a great off-campus venue; we’ll lay on some transport from the Hart CP.
After the food, the film: this is screened in the Fancy Loft, above the bakehouse. We’ll try and keep the films shown to moderate length and follow on with more refreshments and chat/discussion afterwards. Cinema equipment has been kindly made available by the UCA AV team.
At each screening members get to decide on the film for the next fortnightly session. A shortlist will be offered and voted on at the end of the evening, members are free to develop this process over time.
The Incredible Edible Cinema (IEC) is a collaboration between Transition Farnham and the Farnham Pottery Gallery. It is hosted in a community venue and is a not-for-profit venture. The aim of the project is to foster cultural exchange between UCA students, especially international students, and townspeople in the context of better understanding of shared global ecological and environmental concerns.
So, get a cooking plan sorted for next Tuesday, come along and have a great time sharing food, film and discussion. The evening is free; yes, free like a party: you may bring drinks along too. Enjoy the Incredible Edible Cinema: it’s a gift we share!
Here is the screening schedule for autumn 2015:
Tuesday 29th September
Tuesday 13th October
Tuesday 27th October
Tuesday 10th November
Tuesday 24th November
Tuesday 8th December
Visit and join the online group if you wish to come on Tuesday, 29th September. Download for home viewing at