Ashley Howard – A sale of porcelain & stoneware
From: Ashley Howard
To: A sale of porcelain & stoneware
At: The Farnham Pottery, Pottery Lane, Wrecclesham, GU10 4QJ
On: Saturday 27 October 2012 & Sunday 28 October 2012
Time: Noon to 5pm
This has been an exciting year so far. In March I took part in Ceramic Art London at the Royal College of Art. It was a sell out show.
Later in the year I exhibited at the Stour Gallery and the Porthminster Gallery. This December I will be showing my work at Contemporary Ceramics, London, as part of their Christmas exhibition.
There were two main highlights to 2012. Firstly, I visited Japan, where I made a range of tableware as part of a longer-term project. Secondly, my inclusion in the much admired Domestic Matters exhibition at Contemporary Applied Arts, London.
Peter Ting and Brian Kennedy curated Domestic Matters. It formed part of London Design Festival.