Emerge Exhibition, 5th – 10th April
Hi Everyone,
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a West Street Potter member who was fortunate enough to be offered a place to study for a degree in 3DD (Ceramics) at the University in Farnham. I’m in my 3rd year now of a five year part time course and continuing to find it exciting and stimulating.
Our current project involves arranging an exhibition of our work; inviting friends, family and anyone we think may be interested, to come along to have a look.
Some of you have expressed an interest, so I decided to display the invitation on the notice board for you all to see. There is also a supply of general invitations downstairs near the entrance.
Our private view is on Friday 8th April, so if anyone would like to come to that, let me know and I’ll get a personal invitation sent to you. Otherwise, as you can see, it’s running from 5th to 10th April. My number is 02380 612334 or email pottyceramics@gmail.com
Sheena Bond