Goodbye Bob

Bob Burgess, known affectionately as ‘Wobbly Bob’, died this week.  Bob attended Friday afternoon class for almost as long as WSP has been at the Farnham Pottery. He trained in design at St Martins School of Art and later  spent time in South Africa, amusing the class by swearing in Afrikaans and astonished by reciting chunks of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. 

He was cultured, self deprecating and never satisfied with the immaculately carved ceramic pieces he made. In the last couple of years he was determined to overcome frailty by being independent, but he sometimes fell or his walking stick crashed to the ground. Both bounced, but ratcheted up anxiety levels in other class members. His opportunity to make was his only reason for being and one of the valuable assets offered by WSP.

His humour and talent made him an inspirational part of the group . He will be missed.

Julia Quigley

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