WSP Christmas Exhibition

Several members have suggested WSP hold a Christmas Exhibition this year (as done in previous years), which is a great idea.  It will require volunteers to take on elements of the organisation to make it a success.

Keith has already agreed to transport the Exhibition tables / plinths and Nigel, Shirley, Vron and Tineka from Thursday evening will set up the displays and take them down at the end.

What we will need are other volunteers to cover advertising or receive the work, do the catalogue, organise stewarding duty, preview drinks, glasses and snacks or cash float ( and general treasurer duties) plus collection of sold / unsold work.

People who have helped on previous shows would be a big asset as they will know the ropes and will be able to guide  new volunteers.

It is all very easy if we have enough helping hands. Everybody who attends classes would be eligible to show work ( no matter what standard) – we found before that 3 pieces per student (unless they were really BIG ) could be accommodated.

Nigel and Vron have created the following list of activities that need to be undertaken.  Please let Rachel know if you are able to help out with any of these.  Mobile: 07918 666898 or

Once we have a list of volunteers a meeting will be arranged to discuss the details.

Produce A4 Adverts / flyers etc. + sub-group to distrubute
Inform Local Press
Produce forms for each exhibitor – Title, cost etc. (max. 3 items)
Handing in – to check in work against the forms.
Treasurer – Cash float for sales desk + running money side
Collect  Display Furniture (Keith & Nigel)
Set up tables and display ( Shirley, Vron, Tineka and Nigel)
Numbering     (Ditto)
Produce catalogue.
Wine / glass hire / nibbles for preview
Sales desk rota – 2 people per session ( am / pm )
Handing out sold work at close
Returning furniture to store after exhibition closes (Keith & Nigel)

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